Saturday, October 28, 2006

day 2

day 2, originally uploaded by powerlord_tvr.

Ent out to some africance farm about an hour from cape town to practice

launching with the motor.

In the morning it was almost windless, so there is a fair bit of running

about to get the wing up over your head.

Once I started to get the hang of that it was on with the motor !

spent 2 or 3 hours running about with that on my back doing trial launches..

it was 33 degrees by this time. . . with a 30kg fan strapped to your back.

. while horse flies are drawing blood all over my legs !

But made some good progress and was ready to have my first flght.

However I cocked up the next 2 take offs. BY this time the wind had started

to pick up and it was getting a bit blustery.

Barry took the first flight to check out the thermal activity. I got some

good video of him takin off, and Im glad it wasnt me as he was bobbing up

and down quite a bit in the turbulance.

FOund a wifi hotspot but not working properly. Going down to the beach where

Im told there is another one to try. . .


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