monday: level 3 and level 4 !

wahee. just done my level 3 aff jump.
i think i said what that involved yesterday in the blog.
anyway, went excellent. 1 instructor let go, and the other one just held me
with 1 hand so I was nearly freefalling on my own. Ill send folk on fast
links my slo mo video.
canopy came out nice.
then i farted about too long doing 360 spins :-)
by the time i stopped I noticed the wind was a wee bit strong and i was
having to fly at full speed to try to get into my holding area, pretty much
coming down vertically.
anyway, managed the the edge of the dz just ! missing the trees by a good 50
feet :-) not ideal but is was my first unassisted landing, so learning all
the time.
Unfortunately after my perfect landing, I though ID gathered all my chute up
and walked over to the hanger.. . only to find out that Id been dragging my
lines in the grass. arse.
its this sort of weird hook grass stuff and it just all hooks into the lines
like barbs and comes off in them !
Took about an hour to get all the fecking grass out.
still damn fine jump if i dont say so myself!
now waiting for all these tandem numpties to jump. they make the cash for
the club, so they do a lot fo them, and today there is at least 13 ! and
some want to go again !!
so I reckon that might be it for today Im afraid.
today barry is flying his motor for an advert for microsoft vista
no ! just did level 4 !!! this includes a "release" from the single
instructor at 10k, and then for the first time i am freefalling on my own
with no one holding on to me ! it wiz the frecking business ! you for the
first time really feel that you are flying yourself.
it wasnt ideal. .i span a bit, but mostly stayed heading steady. nice deploy
and a really nice stable landing. the dogs nads.
ill try and upload a pic.
Here are the videos:
tomorrow starts a 3 day stint of paramotoring.. fingers crossed for some
good weather !
p.s. last night they had guy faux night here !!! fireworks on the beach, the
lot ! have it every year. . they have no ideal who he was but it doesnt
seem to stop them !
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