Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday: last day

well, it started good. nice weather, so down at the DZ for 7.30am.

Needed to be at the airport for my flight home at 6pm, so last chance to complete AFF. .

the wind started to pick up early, but I got my level 8 jump in at about 10.30.

This is the first true solo ! i.e. I jump out on my own, fly down on my own, etc.. no instructor even in the sky with me.

Went awesome! it really is a great feeling plummeting to earth at 200km/hour on yer own especially at about 6K when the ground really starts rushing up towards you. Did get a bit of a bollocking for landing in the instructor landing site.. but it's next to the hanger and I was sick of walking through the grass! :-)

Level 9 is the last real level (level 10 is just a 4.5K exit to prep for emergencies). This involves jumping out solo, then making yourself go into a fast spin. You do this by holding on of your feet while saluting with the other hand. Basically you start to spin faster and faster and faster until you are pulling 2 or 3 Gs. It's fecking brilliant! Then you have to get stable again (i.e. stop spinning and gain recovery). This went fine and had a good canopy landing right in the centre of the field.

The wind built up, and the final jump was not possible, but since I'd been doing exit practice touches on the last 2 solos I am effectively now a qualified AFF sky diver !! woohoo.


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